10 Questions with Hiroki Muraoka

前陣子來自日本的職業選手Hiroki Muraoka"村岡廣樹"來台灣拍攝日本Transworld雜誌封面~


1-full name?
Hiroki Muraoka

Tokyo, I skate all the time in Ikebukuro

3-what year did you start skating?
1996, when I was nine.

4-Who do you like to skate with?
Different people, mostly the Ikebukuro guys.

5-Favorite spot?
Factories, and places that have an interesting atmospheres.

6-How long did you film for your part in Katsumi’s video “Night Prowlers”?
I don’t know, my part was decided at the very end of production. But we were filming
from about 3 years prior to the video dropped.

7-Was it Stressful or Enjoyable to film your part?
We weren’t going on filming mission so it wasn’t too stressful, but I mean there was a little bit of stress.
It was hard to keep up at times.

8-What is a good Deshi story?
A lot of good stories. He`s had wet dreams at my house.

9-What was a good Rich Adler story when he was living in Japan?
I quit my job for a bit, during that period we’d hang out everyday. He’s great,
makes his own brews, skating is amazing. He would impersonate our friends,
which was pretty funny.

10-What is next for you in skateboarding?
Everything I envisioned 5 years ago is becoming real, so I`m moving
to get to the next step. For one thing, I want to go to Philly


